A moment-distance hybrid method for estimating a mixture of two symmetric densities
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 1–36
Pub. online: 18 January 2018
Type: Research Article
Open Access
4 October 2017
4 October 2017
13 December 2017
13 December 2017
18 December 2017
18 December 2017
18 January 2018
18 January 2018
In clustering of high-dimensional data a variable selection is commonly applied to obtain an accurate grouping of the samples. For two-class problems this selection may be carried out by fitting a mixture distribution to each variable. We propose a hybrid method for estimating a parametric mixture of two symmetric densities. The estimator combines the method of moments with the minimum distance approach. An evaluation study including both extensive simulations and gene expression data from acute leukemia patients shows that the hybrid method outperforms a maximum-likelihood estimator in model-based clustering. The hybrid estimator is flexible and performs well also under imprecise model assumptions, suggesting that it is robust and suited for real problems.
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