Cited by 5
Subordinated compound Poisson processes of order k

Analytic and Asymptotic Properties of the Generalized Student and Generalized Lomax Distributions
Victor Korolev
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 11, Issue 13 (2023), p. 2890
Convoluted fractional Poisson process of order k
Ayushi S. Sengar, Neelesh S. Upadhye
Journal:  Stochastics Volume 95, Issue 7 (2023), p. 1170
Mixture Representations for Generalized Burr, Snedecor–Fisher and Generalized Student Distributions with Related Results
Victor Korolev, Alexander Zeifman
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 11, Issue 18 (2023), p. 3892
On a time-changed variant of the generalized counting process
M. Khandakar, K. K. Kataria
Journal:  Journal of Applied Probability Volume 61, Issue 2 (2024), p. 716
The Poisson–Lindley Distribution: Some Characteristics, with Its Application to SPC
Waleed Ahmed Hassen Al-Nuaami, Ali Akbar Heydari, Hossein Jabbari Khamnei
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 11, Issue 11 (2023), p. 2428