In this paper the fractional Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process on ${\mathbb{R}_{+}}$ for $H<1/2$ is defined as a square of a pointwise limit of the processes ${Y_{\varepsilon }}$, satisfying the SDE of the form $d{Y_{\varepsilon }}(t)=(\frac{k}{{Y_{\varepsilon }}(t){1_{\{{Y_{\varepsilon }}(t)>0\}}}+\varepsilon }-a{Y_{\varepsilon }}(t))dt+\sigma d{B^{H}}(t)$, as $\varepsilon \downarrow 0$. Properties of such limit process are considered. SDE for both the limit process and the fractional Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process are obtained.
Option Pricing with Fractional Stochastic Volatility and Discontinuous Payoff Function of Polynomial Growth