On aggregation of multitype Galton–Watson branching processes with immigration
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 53–79
Pub. online: 1 February 2018
Type: Research Article
Open Access
Mátyás Barczy is supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
11 November 2017
11 November 2017
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18 January 2018
1 February 2018
1 February 2018
Limit behaviour of temporal and contemporaneous aggregations of independent copies of a stationary multitype Galton–Watson branching process with immigration is studied in the so-called iterated and simultaneous cases, respectively. In both cases, the limit process is a zero mean Brownian motion with the same covariance function under third order moment conditions on the branching and immigration distributions. We specialize our results for generalized integer-valued autoregressive processes and single-type Galton–Watson processes with immigration as well.
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