Handy formulas for binomial moments
Pub. online: 30 July 2024
Type: Research Article
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Despite the relevance of the binomial distribution for probability theory and applied statistical inference, its higher-order moments are poorly understood. The existing formulas are either not general enough, or not structured and simplified enough for intended applications.
This paper introduces novel formulas for binomial moments in the form of polynomials in the variance rather than in the success probability. The obtained formulas are arguably better structured, simpler and superior in their numerical properties compared to prior works. In addition, the paper presents algorithms to derive these formulas along with working implementation in Python’s symbolic algebra package.
The novel approach is a combinatorial argument coupled with clever algebraic simplifications which rely on symmetrization theory. As an interesting byproduct asymptotically sharp estimates for central binomial moments are established, improving upon previously known partial results.
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