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Pub. online: 23 Jan 2024      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Volume 11, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 303–321
Pub. online: 23 Jan 2023      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Volume 10, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 145–173
Pub. online: 28 Oct 2019      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Volume 6, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 479–494
Pub. online: 20 Aug 2018      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Volume 5, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 297–316