In the framework of generalized Oppenheim expansions, almost sure convergence results for lightly trimmed sums are proven. First, a particular class of expansions is identified for which a convergence result is proven assuming that only the largest summand is deleted from the sum; this result generalizes a strong law recently proven for the Lüroth digits and also covers some new cases that have never been studied before. Next, any assumptions concerning the structure of the Oppenheim expansions are dropped and a result concerning trimmed sums is proven when at least two summands are trimmed; combining this latter theorem with the asymptotic behavior of the r-th maximum term of the expansion, a convergence result is obtained for the case in which only the largest summand is deleted from the sum.
The term moderate deviations is often used in the literature to mean a class of large deviation principles that, in some sense, fills the gap between a convergence in probability to zero (governed by a large deviation principle) and a weak convergence to a centered normal distribution. In this paper, some examples of classes of large deviation principles of this kind are presented, but the involved random variables converge weakly to Gumbel, exponential and Laplace distributions.