Buraczewski et al. (2023) proved a functional limit theorem (FLT) and a law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) for a random Dirichlet series ${\textstyle\sum _{k\ge 2}}\frac{{(\log k)^{\alpha }}}{{k^{1/2+s}}}{\eta _{k}}$ as $s\to 0+$, where $\alpha \gt -1/2$ and ${\eta _{1}},{\eta _{2}},\dots $ are independent identically distributed random variables with zero mean and finite variance. A FLT and a LIL are proved in a boundary case $\alpha =-1/2$. The boundary case is more demanding technically than the case $\alpha \gt -1/2$. A FLT and a LIL for ${\textstyle\sum _{p}}\frac{{\eta _{p}}}{{p^{1/2+s}}}$ as $s\to 0+$, where the sum is taken over the prime numbers, are stated as the conjectures.
In this paper, functional convergence is derived for the partial maxima stochastic processes of multivariate linear processes with weakly dependent heavy-tailed innovations and random coefficients. The convergence takes place in the space of ${\mathbb{R}^{d}}$-valued càdlàg functions on $[0,1]$ endowed with the weak Skorokhod ${M_{1}}$ topology.
We introduce a branching process in a sparse random environment as an intermediate model between a Galton–Watson process and a branching process in a random environment. In the critical case we investigate the survival probability and prove Yaglom-type limit theorems, that is, limit theorems for the size of population conditioned on the survival event.