The so-called multi-mixed fractional Brownian motions (mmfBm) and multi-mixed fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (mmfOU) processes are studied. These processes are constructed by mixing by superimposing or mixing (infinitely many) independent fractional Brownian motions (fBm) and fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes (fOU), respectively. Their existence as ${L^{2}}$ processes is proved, and their path properties, viz. long-range and short-range dependence, Hölder continuity, p-variation, and conditional full support, are studied.
The time-inhomogeneous autoregressive model AR(1) is studied, which is the process of the form ${X_{n+1}}={\alpha _{n}}{X_{n}}+{\varepsilon _{n}}$, where ${\alpha _{n}}$ are constants, and ${\varepsilon _{n}}$ are independent random variables. Conditions on ${\alpha _{n}}$ and distributions of ${\varepsilon _{n}}$ are established that guarantee the geometric recurrence of the process. This result is applied to estimate the stability of n-steps transition probabilities for two autoregressive processes ${X^{(1)}}$ and ${X^{(2)}}$ assuming that both ${\alpha _{n}^{(i)}}$, $i\in \{1,2\}$, and distributions of ${\varepsilon _{n}^{(i)}}$, $i\in \{1,2\}$, are close enough.
The stochastic literature contains several extensions of the exponential distribution which increase its applicability and flexibility. In the present article, some properties of a new power modified exponential family with an original Kies correction are discussed. This family is defined as a Kies distribution which domain is transformed by another Kies distribution. Its probabilistic properties are investigated and some limitations for the saturation in the Hausdorff sense are derived. Moreover, a formula of a semiclosed form is obtained for this saturation. Also the tail behavior of these distributions is examined considering three different criteria inspired by the financial markets, namely, the VaR, AVaR, and expectile based VaR. Some numerical experiments are provided, too.
A multivariate trigonometric regression model is considered. In the paper strong consistency of the least squares estimator for amplitudes and angular frequencies is obtained for such a multivariate model on the assumption that the random noise is a homogeneous or homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian, specifically, strongly dependent random field on ${\mathbb{R}^{M}},M\ge 3$.
A new formula for the ultimate ruin probability in the Cramér–Lundberg risk process is provided when the claims are assumed to follow a finite mixture of m Erlang distributions. Using the theory of recurrence sequences, the method proposed here shifts the problem of finding the ruin probability to the study of an associated characteristic polynomial and its roots. The found formula is given by a finite sum of terms, one for each root of the polynomial, and allows for yet another approximation of the ruin probability. No constraints are assumed on the multiplicity of the roots and that is illustrated via a couple of numerical examples.
The class of one-dimensional equations driven by a stochastic measure μ is studied. For μ only σ-additivity in probability is assumed. This class of equations includes the Burgers equation and the heat equation. The existence and uniqueness of the solution are proved, and the averaging principle for the equation is studied.
This work obtains sharp closed-form exponential concentration inequalities of Bernstein type for the ubiquitous beta distribution, improving upon sub-Gaussian and sub-gamma bounds previously studied in this context.
The proof leverages a novel handy recursion of order 2 for central moments of the beta distribution, obtained from the hypergeometric representations of moments; this recursion is useful for obtaining explicit expressions for central moments and various tail approximations.
The stochastic transport equation is considered where the randomness is given by a symmetric integral with respect to a stochastic measure. For a stochastic measure, only σ-additivity in probability and continuity of paths is assumed. Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to the equation are proved.
The paper is devoted to a stochastic heat equation with a mixed fractional Brownian noise. We investigate the covariance structure, stationarity, upper bounds and asymptotic behavior of the solution. Based on its discrete-time observations, we construct a strongly consistent estimator for the Hurst index H and prove the asymptotic normality for $H < 3/4$. Then assuming the parameter H to be known, we deal with joint estimation of the coefficients at the Wiener process and at the fractional Brownian motion. The quality of estimators is illustrated by simulation experiments.
A new modified Φ-Sobolev inequality for canonical ${L^{2}}$-Lévy processes, which are hybrid cases of the Brownian motion and pure jump-Lévy processes, is developed. Existing results included only a part of the Brownian motion process and pure jump processes. A generalized version of the Φ-Sobolev inequality for the Poisson and Wiener spaces is derived. Furthermore, the theorem can be applied to obtain concentration inequalities for canonical Lévy processes. In contrast to the measure concentration inequalities for the Brownian motion alone or pure jump Lévy processes alone, the measure concentration inequalities for canonical Lévy processes involve Lambert’s W-function. Examples of inequalities are also presented, such as the supremum of Lévy processes in the case of mixed Brownian motion and Poisson processes.