1 Introduction
The classical definition of martingales is extended to a more general case in the space of Banach lattices by V. Troitsky [6]. In the Banach lattice framework, martingales are defined without a probability space and the famous Doob’s convergence theorem was reproduced. Moreover, under certain conditions on the Banach lattice, it was shown that the set of bounded martingales forms a Banach lattice with respect to the point-wise order. In 2011, H. Gessesse and V. Troitsky [2] produced several sufficient conditions for the space of bounded martingales on a Banach lattice to be a Banach lattice itself. They also provided examples showing that the space of bounded martingales is not necessarily a vector lattice. Several other works have been done by other authors with regard to martingales in vector lattices, such as [4, 3].
In the theory of random processes, not just the study of martingale convergence is important, but the study of convergence of martingale-like stochastic sequences and processes, and the determination of interrelation between them are also crucial. So it is natural to ask if martingale-like sequences can be defined in a vector lattice or Banach lattice framework. In this article, we define and study martingale-like sequences in Banach lattices along the same lines as martingales are defined and studied in [6].
Classically, a martingale-like sequence is defined as follows (for instance, see a paper by A. Melnikov [5]). Consider a probability space $(\varOmega ,\mathcal{F},P)$ and a filtration ${({\mathcal{F}_{n}})_{n=1}^{\infty }}$, i.e., an increasing sequence of complete sub-sigma-algebras of $\mathcal{F}$. An integrable stochastic sequence $x=({x_{n}},{\mathcal{F}_{n}})$ is an ${L^{1}}$-martingale if
\[ \underset{n\to \infty }{\lim }\underset{m\geqslant n}{\sup }E\big|E({x_{m}}|{\mathcal{F}_{n}})-{x_{n}}\big|=0.\]
An integrable stochastic sequence $x=({x_{n}},{\mathcal{F}_{n}})$ is an E-martingale if
Here we extend the definition of ${L^{1}}$-martingales and E-martingales in a general Banach lattice X following the same lines as the definition of martingales in Banach lattices in [6]. First we mention some terminology and definitions from the theory of Banach lattices for the reader convenience. For more detailed exploration, we refer the reader to [1]. A vector lattice is a vector space equipped with a lattice order relation, which is compatible with the linear structure. A Banach lattice is a vector lattice with a Banach norm which is monotone, i.e., $0\leqslant x\leqslant y$ implies $\| x\| \leqslant \| y\| $, and satisfies $\| x\| =\| |x|\| $ for any two vectors x and y. A vector lattice is said to be order complete if every nonempty subset that is bounded above has a supremum. We say that a Banach lattice has order continuous norm if $\| {x_{\alpha }}\| \to 0$ for every decreasing net $({x_{\alpha }})$ with $\inf {x_{\alpha }}=0$. A Banach lattice with order continuous norm is order complete. A sublattice Y of a vector lattice is called an (order) ideal if $y\in Y$ and $|x|\leqslant |y|$ imply $x\in Y$. An ideal Y is called a band if $x={\sup _{\alpha }}{x_{\alpha }}$ implies $x\in Y$ for every positive increasing net $({x_{\alpha }})$ in Y. Two elements x and y in a vector lattice are said to be disjoint whenever $|x|\wedge |y|=0$ holds. If J is a nonempty subset of a vector lattice, then its disjoint complement ${J^{d}}$ is the set of all elements of the lattice, disjoint to every element of J. A band Y in a vector lattice X that satisfies $X=Y\otimes {Y^{d}}$ is refered to as a projection band. Every band in an order complete vector lattice is a projection band. An operator T on a vector lattice X is positive if $Tx\geqslant 0$ for every $x\geqslant 0$. A sequence of positive projections $({E_{n}})$ on a vector lattice X is called a filtration if ${E_{n}}{E_{m}}={E_{n\wedge m}}$. A sequence of positive contractive projections $({E_{n}})$ on a normed lattice X is called a contractive filtration if ${E_{n}}{E_{m}}={E_{n\wedge m}}$. A filtration $({E_{n}})$ in a normed lattice X is called dense if ${E_{n}}x\to x$ for each x in X. In many articles such as in [6], a martingale with respect to a filtration $({E_{n}})$ in a vector lattice X is defined as a sequence $({x_{n}})$ in X such that ${E_{n}}{x_{m}}={x_{n}}$ whenever $m\ge n$.
2 Main definitions
Definition 2.
A sequence $({x_{n}})$ of elements of a vector lattice X is called an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale relative to a filtration $({E_{n}})$ if there exists $n\geqslant 1$ such that ${E_{m}}{x_{m+1}}={x_{m}}$ for all $m\geqslant n.$
Note that Definition 2 is equivalent to saying a sequence $({x_{n}})$ is an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale if there exists $l\geqslant 1$ such that ${E_{n}}{x_{m}}={x_{n}}$ whenever $m\geqslant n\ge l$. The symbol “$\mathcal{E}$” stands for eventual so when we say $({x_{n}})$ is an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale, we are saying that after a first few finite elements of the sequence, the sequence becomes a martingale.
Sequences defined by Definition 1 and Definition 2 are collectively called martingale-like sequences. Notice that every martingale $({x_{n}})$ in a vector lattice X with respect to a filtration $({E_{n}})$ is obviously an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale with respect to the filtration $({E_{n}})$. Moreover, every $\mathcal{E}$-martingale $({x_{n}})$ in a Banach lattice X with respect to a contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ is an X-martingale with respect to the contrative filtration $({E_{n}})$. Note that for every x in a vector lattice X and a filtration $({E_{n}})$ in X, the sequence $({E_{n}}x)$ is an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale with respect to the filtration $({E_{n}})$. If x is in a normed space X and $({E_{n}})$ is a contractive filtration, then the sequence $({E_{n}}x)$ is an X-martingale with respect to the contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$.
By considering any nonzero martingale $({x_{n}})$ in a Banach lattice X with respect to filtration $({E_{n}})$ where ${x_{1}}$ is nonzero without loss of generality, we can define a sequence $({y_{n}})$ such that ${y_{1}}=2{x_{1}}$ and ${y_{n}}={x_{n}}$ for all $n\geqslant 2$. Then one can see that $({y_{n}})$ is an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale with respect to the filtration $({E_{n}})$. However, $({y_{n}})$ is not a martingale.
Note that every sequence which converges to zero is an X-martingale with respect to any contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ because if ${x_{n}}\to 0$ and $m>n$ then $\| {E_{n}}{x_{m}}-{x_{n}}\| \leqslant \| {x_{m}}\| +\| {x_{n}}\| \to 0$ as $n\to \infty $. So one can easily create an X-martingale $({x_{n}})$ which is not $\mathcal{E}$-martingale by setting ${x_{n}}=\frac{1}{n}x$ where x is a nonzero vector in X.
A martingale-like sequence $A=({x_{n}})$ with respect to a contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ on a normed lattice X is said to be bounded if its norm defined by $\| A\| ={\sup _{n}}\| {x_{n}}\| $ is finite. Given a contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ on a normed lattice X, we denote the set of all bounded X-martingales with respect to the contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ by ${M_{X}}={M_{X}}(X,({E_{n}}))$ and the set of all bounded $\mathcal{E}$-martingales with respect to the contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ by ${M_{E}}={M_{E}}(X,({E_{n}}))$. With the introduction of the sup norm in these spaces, one can show that ${M_{X}}$ and ${M_{E}}$ are normed spaces. Keeping the notation M of [6] for all bounded martingales with respect to the contractive filtration $({E_{n}})$ and from the preceding arguments, these spaces form a nested increasing sequence of linear subspaces $M\subset {M_{E}}\subset {M_{X}}\subset {\ell _{\infty }}(X)$, with the norm being exactly the ${\ell _{\infty }}(X)$ norm.
Theorem 3.
Let $({E_{n}})$ be a contractive filtration on a Banach lattice X, then the collection of X-martingales ${M_{X}}$ is a closed subspace of ${\ell _{\infty }}(X)$, hence a Banach space.
Suppose a sequence $({A^{m}})=({x_{n}^{m}})$ of X-martingales converges to A in ${\ell _{\infty }}(X)$. We show A is also an X-martingale. Indeed, from $\| {A^{m}}-A\| ={\sup _{n}}\| {x_{n}^{m}}-{x_{n}}\| \to 0$ as $m\to \infty $, we have that for each $n\geqslant 1$, $\| {x_{n}^{m}}-{x_{n}}\| \to 0$ as $m\to \infty $. Note that for $l\ge n$,
From these inequalities and the contractive property of the filtration, we have
Corollary 1.
Let $({E_{n}})$ be a contractive filtration on a Banach lattice X, then $\overline{{M_{E}}}\subset {M_{X}}.$
Let $A=({x_{n}})$ be in ${M_{X}}$ where ${x_{n}}\to x$. Thus, for $m\geqslant n$
\[ \| {E_{n}}x-{x_{n}}\| =\| {E_{n}}x-{E_{n}}{x_{m}}+{E_{n}}{x_{m}}-{x_{n}}\| \leqslant \| x-{x_{m}}\| +\| {E_{n}}{x_{m}}-{x_{n}}\| .\]
Taking $\underset{n\to \infty }{\lim }{\sup _{m\geqslant n}}$ on both sides of the inequality completes the proof. □The following proposition confirms that for any convergent element $A=({x_{n}})$ of ${M_{X}}$ we can find a sequence in ${M_{E}}$ that converges to A.
Proposition 4.
Let $({E_{n}})$ be a contractive filtration on a Banach lattice X and $A=({x_{n}})$ be a sequence in ${M_{X}}$ such that ${x_{n}}\to x$. Then there exists a sequence ${A^{m}}$ in ${M_{E}}$ such that ${A^{m}}\to A$ in ${\ell _{\infty }}(X)$.
Suppose ${x_{n}}\to x$ as $n\to \infty $. First note that the sequence $({E_{n}}x)$ is in M. Now define ${A^{m}}=({a_{n}^{m}})$ such that
\[ {a_{n}^{m}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l@{\hskip10.0pt}l}{x_{n}},\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n\le m,\\ {} {E_{n}}x,\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n>m.\end{array}\right.\]
Then ${A^{m}}\in {M_{E}}$ and ${A^{m}}\to A$ in ${\ell _{\infty }}(X)$, hence $A\in \overline{{M_{E}}}$. Indeed, by Lemma 1,
□In [6] and [2] several sufficient conditions are established where the set of bounded martingales M is a Banach lattice. In [2], counter examples are provided where M is not a Banach lattice. So, one may similarly ask when are ${M_{X}}$ and ${M_{E}}$ Banach spaces and Banach lattices? We start by showing a counter example that illustrates that ${M_{E}}$ is not necessarily a Banach space.
Example 5.
Let ${c_{0}}$ be the set of sequences converging to zero. Consider the filtration $({E_{n}})$ where ${E_{n}}{\sum _{i=1}^{\infty }}{\alpha _{i}}{e_{i}}={\sum _{i=1}^{n}}{\alpha _{i}}{e_{i}}$. Thus the sequence $({y_{n}})$ where ${y_{n}}={\sum _{i=1}^{n}}\frac{1}{i}{e_{i}}$ is an E-martingale with respect to this filtration. We define a sequence of E-martingales ${A^{m}}$ as ${A^{m}}=({x_{n}^{m}})$ where
\[ {x_{n}^{m}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l@{\hskip10.0pt}l}{\textstyle\sum _{i=n}^{\infty }}\frac{1}{i}{e_{i}},\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n\leqslant m,\\ {} {y_{n}}/m,\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n>m.\end{array}\right.\]
Define a sequence $A=({x_{n}})$ where ${x_{n}}={\sum _{i=n}^{\infty }}\frac{1}{i}{e_{i}}$. We can see that A is not an E-martingale. But one can show that ${A^{m}}$ converges to A. Indeed,
\[ \big\| {A^{m}}-A\big\| =\underset{n}{\sup }\big\| {x_{n}^{m}}-x\big\| =\underset{n\in \{m+1,m+2,\dots \}}{\sup }\Bigg\| {y_{n}}/m-{\sum \limits_{i=n}^{\infty }}\frac{1}{i}{e_{i}}\Bigg\| \to 0\]
as $m\to \infty .$
3 When is ${M_{E}}$ a vector lattice?
Given a vector (Banach) lattice X and a filtration (respectively contractive) $({E_{n}})$ on X, we can introduce order structure on the spaces ${M_{E}}$ and ${M_{X}}$ as follows. For two bounded $\mathcal{E}$-martingales (respectively X-martingales) $A=({x_{n}})$ and $B=({y_{n}})$, we write $A\geqslant B$ if ${x_{n}}\geqslant {y_{n}}$ for each n. With this order ${M_{E}}$ and ${M_{X}}$ are ordered vector spaces and the monotonicity of the norm follows from the monotonicity of the norm of X, i.e. for two $\mathcal{E}$-martingales (respectively X-martingales) with $0\leqslant A\leqslant B$, we have $\| A\| \leqslant \| B\| $. For two $\mathcal{E}$-martingales (respectively X-martingales) $A=({x_{n}})$ and $B=({y_{n}})$, one may guess that $A\vee B$ (or $A\wedge B$) can be computed by the formulas $A\vee B=({x_{n}}\vee {y_{n}})$ (or $A\wedge B=({x_{n}}\wedge {y_{n}})$). We show in the following theorem that this is in fact the case in order for ${M_{E}}$ to be a vector lattice. However, this is not obvious to show in the case of ${M_{X}}$.
First we show (i) $\hspace{0.2778em}\Longrightarrow \hspace{0.2778em}$ (ii). Suppose ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice and $A=({x_{n}})$ is in ${M_{E}}$. Since ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice, $|A|$ exists in ${M_{E}}$, say $|A|=B:=({y_{n}})$. Since $\pm A\le B$, for each n, $\pm {x_{n}}\le {y_{n}}$. So, $|{x_{n}}|\le {y_{n}}$ for each n. Since B is in ${M_{E}}$, there exists l such that ${E_{n}}{y_{m}}={y_{n}}$ whenever $m\ge n\ge l$. Now we claim that ${y_{n}}=|{x_{n}}|$ for each n. Fix $k>l$. We show ${y_{n}}=|{x_{n}}|$ for each $n\le k$.
Indeed, define an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale $C=({z_{n}})$ where
\[ {z_{n}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l@{\hskip10.0pt}l}|{x_{n}}|,\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n\le k,\\ {} {y_{n}},\hspace{1em}& \text{for}\hspace{2.5pt}n>k.\end{array}\right.\]
Since $k>l$ we can easily see that C is an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale. Moreover, $C\ge 0$ and $\pm A\le C\le B$. Since $|A|=B$, $C=B$. Thus, for every $n\le k$, ${y_{n}}=|{x_{n}}|$. This establishes (ii).(ii) $\hspace{0.2778em}\Longrightarrow \hspace{0.2778em}$ (iii) $\hspace{0.2778em}\Longrightarrow \hspace{0.2778em}$ (i) is straightforward. □
Using the equivalence in Theorem 6, the following examples illustrate that ${M_{E}}$ is not always a vector lattice.
Example 7.
Consider the classical martingale $({x_{n}})$ in ${L_{1}}[0,1]$ where ${x_{n}}={2^{n}}{\mathbf{1}_{[0,{2^{-n}}]}}-\mathbf{1}$ with the filtration $({\mathcal{F}_{n}})$ where ${\mathcal{F}_{n}}$ is the smallest sigma algebra generated by the set
One can easily show that
for every n and the sequence $(|{x_{n}}|)$ fails to be an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale. Hence, Theorem 6 implies that ${M_{E}}$ is not a vector lattice.
Example 8.
Consider the filtration $({E_{n}})$ defined on ${c_{0}}$ as follows. For each $n=0,1,2,\dots $
\[ {E_{n}}=\left[\begin{array}{c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c@{\hskip10.0pt}c}1\\ {} & \ddots \\ {} & & 1\\ {} & & & 1/2& 1/2\\ {} & & & 1/2& 1/2\\ {} & & & & & 1/2& 1/2\\ {} & & & & & 1/2& 1/2\\ {} & & & & & & & \ddots \end{array}\right]\]
with $2n$ ones in the upper left corner. For each ${e_{i}}=(0,\dots ,0,\underset{{i^{\text{th}}}}{\underbrace{1}},0,\dots )$, ${E_{n}}{e_{i}}={e_{i}}$ if $i\leqslant 2n$ and ${E_{n}}{e_{2k-1}}={E_{n}}{e_{2k}}=\frac{1}{2}({e_{2k-1}}+{e_{2k}})$ if $n<k$. Now if we define a sequence $A=({x_{n}})$ where for each $n=0,1,2,\dots $,
one can show this is a martingale as a result an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale. However, $|A|=(|{x_{n}}|)$ where
is not an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale. So, Theorem 6 implies that ${M_{E}}$ is not a vector lattice.Proposition 9.
If a filtration $({E_{n}})$ is a sequence of band projections, then ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice with coordinate-wise lattice operations.
If $A=({x_{n}})\in {M_{E}}$, then there exists l such that ${E_{n}}{x_{m}}={x_{n}}$ whenever $m\ge n\ge l$. Thus, ${E_{n}}|{x_{m}}|=|{E_{n}}{x_{m}}|=|{x_{n}}|$. So, $|A|=(|{x_{n}}|)$ and thus ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice. □
Theorem 10.
If ${M_{E}}$ is a normed lattice and the filtration $({E_{n}})$ is dense in X, then for each x in X, there exists l such that $|{E_{n}}x|={E_{n}}|x|$ whenever $n\ge l$.
Let x be in X. Then $({E_{n}})$ is dense means ${E_{n}}x\to x$. Moreover, $({E_{n}}x)$ is a martingale. Since ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice, by Theorem 6, $(|{E_{n}}x|)$ is an E-martingale. Thus there exists l such that for any m and n with $m\ge n\ge l$, $|{E_{n}}{E_{m}}x|=|{E_{n}}x|$ and ${E_{n}}|{E_{m}}x|=|{E_{n}}x|$. So, $|{E_{n}}{E_{m}}x|={E_{n}}|{E_{m}}x|$ and letting $m\to \infty $, we have $|{E_{n}}x|={E_{n}}|x|$. □
4 When is ${M_{X}}$ a Banach lattice?
Under the pointwise order structure on ${M_{X}}$, for an X-martingale $A=({x_{n}})$, we can refer to Example 8 to show that the sequence $(|{x_{n}}|)$ is not necessarily an X-martingale. However, under certain assumptions, we can show that $(|{x_{n}}|)$ is an X-martingale for every X-martingale $A=({x_{n}})$ making ${M_{X}}$ a Banach lattice.
Proposition 11.
If $({E_{n}})$ is a contractive filtration where ${E_{n}}$ is a band projection for every n then ${M_{X}}$ is a Banach lattice with coordinate-wise lattice operations.
Let $A=({x_{n}})$ be an X-martingale. For each n and m, ${E_{n}}$ is a band projection implies ${E_{n}}|{x_{m}}|=|{E_{n}}{x_{m}}|$. Thus, by the fact that $\Big||x|-|y|\Big|\leqslant |x-y|$, for $m\geqslant n$,
\[ \big\| {E_{n}}|{x_{m}}|-|{x_{n}}|\big\| =\big\| |{E_{n}}{x_{m}}|-|{x_{n}}|\big\| \leqslant \| {E_{n}}{x_{m}}-{x_{n}}\| .\]
This implies
\[ \underset{n\to \infty }{\lim }\underset{m\geqslant n}{\sup }\big\| {E_{n}}|{x_{m}}|-|{x_{n}}|\big\| =0\]
which implies $|A|=(|{x_{n}}|)$ is also an X-martingale. □Question.
From Theorem 6, ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice if and only if for each $\mathcal{E}$-martingale $({x_{n}})$, the sequence $(|{x_{n}}|)$ is also an $\mathcal{E}$-martingale. This is the case when the filtration is a sequence of band projections. Can one give a characterization of the filtrations for which ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice? Or, can one give an example of a filtration which is not a sequence of projections and the corresponding ${M_{E}}$ is a vector lattice?