Cited by 5
Properties of Poisson processes directed by compound Poisson-Gamma subordinators

A simple proof of the Lévy–Khintchine formula for subordinators
Yuri Yakubovich
Journal:  Statistics & Probability Letters Volume 176 (2021), p. 109136
Pub. online: 30 May 2024      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Pub. online: 4 Oct 2019      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications Volume 6, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 419–441
On Spectral Properties of Stationary Random Processes Connected by a Special Random Time Change
Yu. V. Yakubovich, O. V. Rusakov
Journal:  Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 273, Issue 5 (2023), p. 871
Tempered fractional Poisson processes and fractional equations with Z-transform
Neha Gupta, Arun Kumar, Nikolai Leonenko
Journal:  Stochastic Analysis and Applications Volume 38, Issue 5 (2020), p. 939